Thematic Search & API

Powered by the untapped treasure trove of global patent data, our API allows investors to find, benchmark and analyze companies within any technological field or thematic basket. Use our API to invest in the exact avenue of innovation that you are interested in.

Find the exact kind of innovation that you are looking for.

Use our catalogue of predefined themes, or create a custom theme to curate lists of relevant companies, compare innovative strength within your scope and filter by exposure to any technological theme.

Pick from

Trending themes defined and ready to use

Or create your own theme:

Wind Energy, only Offshore Lidars, for Smartphones 3D Printing, no BioTech SleepTech, only Wearables Virtual Reality, in Medicine

grant score patentbewertung

Do you want to know more about how you can implement thematic search?


Let us know what date and time is convenient for you and our team would get in touch!